I have enjoyed the last 2 years doing GCSE Art so much and I am so glad I chose it as one of my subjects. It is so much less stress than any other subject. It’s a great creative outlet as there is so much flexibility inside of the topics, especially the collections module.
The bit I least looked forward to was the artist research, however I really enjoyed learning about different periods, styles and media. Through artist research you also experiment with media which you wouldn’t think about using normally, and find techniques you like and can use to your advantage. My advice for students starting Art GCSE is hat, even though you might look stupid, finger painting is the best and most efficient way to paint your background or base - it’s quicker than any brush! Also, make sure you sit with someone you like because you’ll most likely be stuck with them for the entire course. On the whole though, I have enjoyed Art GCSE so much and you definitely won't regret it!